Bot Integration
Embed ChatFly on Your Site
Explore the steps to effortlessly Embed ChatFly Bot on Your Website in this comprehensive guide.
Iframe Integration
To seamlessly integrate the ChatFly chatbot into any section of your website, follow these steps:
- Insert the following iframe code into your HTML:
- Customize the
attribute by replacingxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
with your specific bot ID.
Chat Bubble Implementation
Enhance user engagement by adding a chat bubble to the bottom right of your website. Here’s how:
- Add the following script tags to your HTML:
- Ensure to replace xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx with your actual bot ID.
Remember to replace the placeholder xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx in both the iframe and script tags with the unique bot ID associated with your ChatFly Bot.
Additional Tips
- Experiment with different iframe dimensions to suit your website’s layout.
- Customize the chat bubble’s appearance and behavior by adjusting parameters in the window.chatbotConfig object.
Now, seamlessly enhance your website’s interactivity with ChatFly!